Service AI Suite for Creatio
Service AI Suite is a complex solution for Creatio that empower your customer service processes. Cutting edge AI instruments toolset, that will help you track and improve customer experience. AI content generation will speed up customer communication processes.
Focus on the important things
AI Powered Tools
Deep integration into Creatio Customer Service processes
  • Case Analytics
    Detect and highlight cases with negative emotions
  • Live translation
    End-to-End translation for multilangual communications
  • Chat Analysis
    Track customer success and agents attitude
  • Text Generation and Rewriting tools
    Use the AI to compose generic articles and texts
Cases AI Analysis
Detect particularly problematic and dissatisfying customer cases
With Conversation Analysis, all conversations from your chats and cases are analyzed to identify any instances of negative emotions and language from customers or agents. When such instances are found, a comment is created about the situation in the corresponding case or chat.

Live conversation translation
Use the power of AI to perform transparent cross-cultural communication without using additional translation tools.
End-to-end translation in cases conversation allows your customer to interact with your team in their native languages. It will reduce costs on multilangual service team and enhance performance.
Chat Conversation Analysis
Detect unsatisfied customers and impolite agents
You can't read all the conversations between customers and your service team, but AI can.
Every chat conversation will be analyzed to find if the customer's issues was resolved, and check whether service agent was polite and friendly.
Knowledge Base Article Generation
Use the power of AI to speed up the article writing process by automatic generation and rewrite instruments
Don't spend additional time on general instructions. Focus on the important things. Use the AI continue and rewrite tools in knowledge base editor.
How it works?
Cutting edge technologies to improve your customer service
ChatGPT Integration
Use all the power of the most complex AI service in your Creatio system
Prompt Engineering
Expert-tuned ChatGPT requests that will do the work
Deep Customer Service processes interaction
All the instruments were carefully integrated in the Creatio service processes and forms
Demo Materials
High loaded customer service
Business: B2C Services
Agents count: 50
Avg. cases per day: 480
  • Negative feedback on
response speed
  • Negative customers feedbacks
on some responses (CSAT rate 44)
  • High First Reply Time (FRT)
  • Lack of analysis due to
high new case rate
Case description
Solution description
  • Service AI Suite installed for 60 seats
(50 agents + 10 supervisors)

  • General user problems was turned into
AI-generated Knowledge Base articles

  • Configured AI analysis
Conversation & Emotions analysis

  • Configured dashboards
Emotions per agent & Most problematic cases

  • Configured KPI’s
Negative & Positive emotion rates per agent

  • Responses for 20% of cases are produced by AI generation, those customers get responses in about 10 minutes.
  • Analysis of 100% case conversations allowed to find negative and positive emotions, even if customers didn’t give any feedback.
  • Supervisors have to check 40% less cases, because AI analysis highlights potentially problematic cases, this change helped users to concentrate on their main tasks.
Multilingual customer service
Business: B2C Financial Services
Agents count: 10
Avg. cases per day: 60
  • Communication issues with some customers
  • Negative customers feedbacks on some responses (CSAT rate 56)
  • High First Reply Time (FRT 2h 19m 51s)
  • High amount of unresolved tickets due to discommunication
  • Low First Contact Resolution rate (FCR 47)
Case description
Solution description
  • Service AI Suite installed for 12 seats (10 agents + 1 supervisor + 1 manager)

  • General user problems was turned into AI-generated Knowledge Base articles

  • Configured End-To-End conversation translation for the worldwide support mailboxes

  • Configured AI analysis
Case conversations & Emotions

  • Configured dashboards
Language rates & Emotions

  • Configured KPI
Positive emotion rate per agent
  • 62% of all the cases were automatically translated from foreign languages. Correct translation helped to resolve 16% more cases with the first contact. Responses for 10% cases were produced by AI generation, those customers get responses in about 10 minutes.
  • Analysis of 100% case conversations allowed to find negative and positive emotions, even if customers didn’t give any feedback.
  • Supervisors have to check 20% less cases, because AI analysis highlights potentially problematic cases, this change helped users to concentrate on their main tasks.
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