WebAPI for 3CX
What's new
  • To upgrade to the latest version, it is enough to replace executable file TCXWebAPI (Debian) or TCXWebAPI.exe (Windows)
  • The latest version https://creomate.com/3cx-download
25 Jul 2024 "version": "2.8.7"

  • Webhook generator: Added events for user status changes
12 Jul 2024 "version": "2.8.5"

  • Added an AI Whisper event for the webhook generator
01 Jul 2024 "version": "2.8.0"

  • A stable release for 3CX version 20 has been released (Debian and Windows)
23 Apr 2024 "version": "2.7.7"

  • Added parameter MP3_TO_BASE64 = 1 for uploading 3CX MP3 file to a third-party CRM system in Base64 encoding
11 Apr 2024 "version": "2.7.5"

  • Fixed bug (Activation error)
  • Activation server has been replaced
04 Apr 2024 "version": "2.7.2"

  • Added parameter WEBHOOK_URL_MONITOR and WEBHOOK_POST_URL_MONITOR for sending an events to a second endpoint server (link)
20 Mar 2024 "version": "2.7.1"

  • Added parameter CUSTOM_PARAMETERS for composing more complex queries (link)
11 Mar 2024 "version": "2.7.0"

  • Added the ability to use the Users.csv file to limit the list of internal numbers being processed (link)
  • Added the ability to send generator webhook events to different servers. Use WEBHOOK_URL_2 and WEBHOOK_POST_URL_2
01 Mar 2024 "version": "2.6.3"

  • Fixed bug (when the server time is manually changed)
22 Feb 2024 "version": "2.6.2"

  • Added the ability to quickly install using a script for Debian (link)
18 Feb 2024 "version": "2.6.1"

  • Added the ability to rename Webhook generator events using Events.csv files (link)
12 Feb 2024 "version": "2.6.0"

  • Switching to a new framework for the 3CX v20
20 Jan 2024 "version": "2.5.9"

  • Increased work speed for large 3CX PBX (more than 128 simultaneous conversations)